How Rich Am I Relative To Others Based on Household Income

The table below shows where your household stands, relative to others in the US population, based on how much income is earned per year. For example, if your household makes $50,000 a year you would be in the 25% percentile group of household income. At $150,000, you would be in the percentile that makes …

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See How Long $1 Million Will Last in Retirement

The WSJ recently published two excellent graphics which show how long $1 million of retirement savings would last based on a given rate of after-inflation growth. Definitely provides some insight into how much you will need to save and most likely you will need more than you think. Particularly if …

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Bernanke’s QE3 Just Won Obama The Election

The Federal Reserve announced a new round of quantitative easing, known as QE3, to boost economic growth and promote employment. The stock markets and investors reacted very favorably, building on an already strong run over the last two months. The new round of quantitative easing will be executed by the …

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How Our Tax Dollars Are Spent by The Government

Ever wondered where all our federal tax dollars go? I did and a recent report from the center on budget priorities and policies (CBPP) provided a very nice graphic on how federal tax dollars are distributed. With all the political rhetoric that abounds around the national debt, excessive federal spending …

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