Will Coronavirus (Covid-19) Impacts Delay my 2019-2020 Tax Refund Due to IRS Processing Slowdowns

2020 Coronavirus Tax Refund Delays

(This is a live article that is updated regularly) As the Coronavirus impact widens we are already seeing major hits to the real economy that will take the US into a recession in 2020 and into 2021. While stock markets are falling rapidly (don’t panic and sell!) people should start expecting governments to focus on battling this deadly virus. In fact Congress and the Administration have already passed a massive stimulus package, unemployment insurance extensions/boosts and additional stimulus payments. However because of these new Coronavirus relief programs and enforced staffing constraints it is also likely major government agencies, like the IRS, will shift focus and resources to execute on these programs to battle the fallout from the spread of the virus.

In fact the IRS recently announced it has stopped processing paper tax returns, with much of its staff now working remotely because of the Coronavirus pandemic. The IRS has recommended that taxpayers file their taxes electronically during the three-month extension (to July 15th, 2020) period for this year’s tax season. Congress is also discussing a further postponement of the tax deadline into October!

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Further in compliance with federal mandates IRS live assistance on telephones and responding to correspondence were essentially suspended until further notice. All of the IRS’s in-person Taxpayer Assistance centers have also been temporarily closed along with many volunteer tax preparation sites until further notice. The IRS has said however they will prioritze and keep paying out the stimulus check payments to the 100 million or so Americans eligible for them.

The above IRS closures will most certainly mean slower processing times for tax refunds, especially those with more complicated tax filing situations or where they experienced delays in prior years. While this was not officially stated on the IRS site, I cannot imagine that the IRS will get things done on time. The hundreds of comments on this article and related ones confirm this.

The IRS has announced, under the national emergency provision, that they will postpone the April 15 tax-payment deadline for millions of individuals, giving Americans an additional 90 days to pay their 2019 income-tax bills in an unprecedented move intended to ease the economic pain inflicted by the Coronavirus. The delay is available to people who owe $1 million or less. This push may also affect 2019 tax refund payments. The latest data from the IRS shows almost 60 million tax returns have been filed with refunds averaging $3,064. A Treasury Department spokesperson has said that there are currently no delays at this point, but is a fluid situation. Note – the IRS has temporarily closed all Taxpayer Assistance Centers and discontinued face-to-face service throughout the country until further notice. The IRS is continuing to process tax returns, issue refunds and help taxpayers to the greatest extent

Source : IRS

Leave a comment with your thoughts on this topic if you are seeing delays in getting your refund.

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363 thoughts on “Will Coronavirus (Covid-19) Impacts Delay my 2019-2020 Tax Refund Due to IRS Processing Slowdowns”

  1. I am glad to see some comments on this topic since the IRS is not taking phone calls. I have been very concerned for months. It appears I am getting the same message as other people. I filled on January 27, 2020 it I s now August 20, 2020. I would like to know if we could expect our refund by the end of the year or if this is going to get pushed off. This experience has led me to not want to claim zero because I cannot trust the IRS to deliver on a timely basis for 2020 and going forward I am adjusting my deduction so the IRS can hold the minimum of my refund. If anyone has received their refund or has any insights on when we could expect it in the next few months or year I would appreciate it.

  2. We filed our tax return in mid March. We are owed a refund of over $2000. It’s now late July and still nothing from IRS. Where’s My Refund continues to say its being worked. Getting very frustrated. I hope they plan to give me interest on it! LOL

  3. I filed a tax return for my deceased brother in march of 2020 I have not received the refund due.
    I called the accountant and he said the IRS was not paying the refund of the deceased till December 2020. is this true I have to wait for his return till December?

  4. My son in law filed my taxes for me in feb. 2020On line And l had not received my recieved my refund by April 15 so he refiled again .
    Now we are into June and still nothing about my refund. However l did recieve a stimulus check to my direct deposit. He has been filing my tax for me for many years. I have never had a problem .
    I keep checking online but it just keeps saying the information doesnt match. I’ve even tryed calling and still get no information

  5. Today is May 28th. I e-filed my personal taxes in early March. Still waiting for my returns. IRS website continues to say “still processing”. My wife and I haven’t even received our stimulus checks yet. This is just wrong. The IRS must put their employees back to work!!!!! I’m in desperate need of my money that the IRS is keeping from me.


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